Orbital Strike has a shorter cooldown, does less damage, and can only be used three times. Lunar items arent as easy to snap up as others in Risk of Rain 2, as they dont spawn from normal chests or bosses. Here are all the tips you need to play him effectively. Not only does it have an absurd amount of damage when it activates, but it has a good range and can easily start chain kills. Don't worry, because we have a tier list guide to rank the best and worst. With each stack increasing the maximum HP that you can have by an additional 100, duplicates of Infusions can be very useful. By continuing to browse our site, you agree to our Cookie Policy. Clear Row Images, Add a Row Above Shurikens deal 400% base damage. Chase 20 hermit crabs off of the edge of the map. I'm not getting much use out of crowbar with merc, Sticky bomb is great. Request up to 3 Orbital Probes from the UES Safe Travels. Transcendence increases your maximum health by 50%, then replaces all but one point of your HP with shields. In addition to default abilities, Captain has several alternative abilities that can be unlocked through different challenges. However, there are more efficient ways to obtain Legendary items. But with a single pair of Lens-Maker Glasses this healing quickly surpasses Leeching Seed at and average of 1.2 hp per hit. Throw 6 flaming molotovs that ignite enemies upon shattering. Additionally the ice blast slow is actually quite nice and works against all enemies, but the slow doesnt scale with stacks. For the most part, a lunar item is characterized by their powerful abilities, but with the cost of having considerable drawbacks. Symbiotic Scorpion Weeping Fungus Red Whip While Kjaros Band provides 500% damage on proc (+250% per stack), Runalds Band only provides 250% damage on proc (+125% per stack).